Thursday, July 17, 2008

Pumpkin ~ The Art Cat

Just look where her paw is going! My cat has gotten into the habit of slowly walking across my bead table. She carefully puts each paw into a cubby hole, often where the beads are. Amazingly, there has been no spills! 


Sunny Bower Art Studio said...

Those are great photos!!

(I surfed in from the Etsy Forum.)

julie said...

ahahah! sneaky cutie.

RedMarionette said...

So cute!
They couldnt possibly MEAN to trash the entire table when they get that look in their eyes...

Licia said...

That is adorable! I love the delicate little paws. We have a delicate little Maggie Magpie who is intrigued by the string and wire when I work.

Cats are great!


You definitely need to give "Pumpkin" more 'props'!...and a bigger slice of your blog. Standing on the box, pawing the sparkling, shiny that show 'Character' !!!

Kristin said...

I would totally freak out of I saw my cats doing something like that.
This is why they're not allowed in my studio - that and they would immediately try to eat all the toxic things I have in there.